Lose Weight By Drinking Water

One way to lose weight is to increase your intake of water and decrease your intake of any type of beverage with a carbohydrate in it. According to the Obesity Society of the United States, a study has shown that dieters who have the discipline to exchange their sugary drinks or carbonated diet drinks with water instead will lose an additional five pounds a year.  Furthermore, if you simply manage to drink 16 ounces or more glasses of water a day even without cutting out your sugary or carbonated drinks you will still lose two pounds a day. This O.S. study definitely proves that there is somehow a correlation between how much water you drink and how much weight you can lose. In the past all kinds of diet programs have always recommended drinking plenty of water but this was the first study known of by the society to actually support this theory that “drinking water causes weight loss.”

In this study, weight loss researchers compared 240 dieting woman with each other. The women, who were aged 25 to 50 were all on different diets such as the Atkins Diet, The Zone and the South Beach diet. One thing that all of these diet programs have in common by the way is that they limit the amount of calories that a person can consume a day.

Before the women begun their diets they were instructed by the researchers to drink two cans of sugary drinks a day (that would amount to being about 200 calories for each woman.) This included beverages like soda pop and juice. Then during the course of the study, some of the women replaced these calories with water.  The two groups, the water-drinkers and the sugary beverage drinkers, were then compared in terms of how much weight they lost over a period of a year.

The water and weight loss study found that the dieting women who replaced all of their sweetened drinks with water lost five pounds more in a year then women who continued to drink the sugary drinks.  Women who drank more than four cups of water a day lost an additional 2 pounds more than women who did not increase their water intake at all.

It doesn’t matter if you drink bottled water, bubbly water or tap water. The idea is to displace those sugary beverages with as much water as you possibly can in a day. Not only does this limit calories it is also healthy for you in other ways.

Not only does being properly hydrated help your muscles and metabolism work at their best, but drinking a large volume of water also helps prevent you from snacking because you feel full. It is recommended that you drink at least eight cups of water a day to optimize your weight loss.

To remain in the best of health, especially while you are losing weight, it is important for your body to remain properly hydrated. This is because two thirds of our total body weight is made up of water.  Our brains are 95% water, which is why we feel so lousy when we have a hangover. Our muscles are 75% water which is why they ache so badly when we are dehydrated.

One way to lose weight is to increase your intake of water and decrease your intake of any type of beverage with a carbohydrate in it. According to the Obesity Society of the United States, a study has shown that dieters who have the discipline to exchange their sugary drinks or carbonated diet drinks with water instead will lose an additional five pounds a year.  Furthermore, if you simply manage to drink 16 ounces or more glasses of water a day even without cutting out your sugary or carbonated drinks you will still lose two pounds a day. This O.S. study definitely proves that there is somehow a correlation between how much water you drink and how much weight you can lose. In the past all kinds of diet programs have always recommended drinking plenty of water but this was the first study known of by the society to actually support this theory that “drinking water causes weight loss.”

In this study, weight loss researchers compared 240 dieting woman with each other. The women, who were aged 25 to 50 were all on different diets such as the Atkins Diet, The Zone and the South Beach diet. One thing that all of these diet programs have in common by the way is that they limit the amount of calories that a person can consume a day.

Before the women begun their diets they were instructed by the researchers to drink two cans of sugary drinks a day (that would amount to being about 200 calories for each woman.) This included beverages like soda pop and juice. Then during the course of the study, some of the women replaced these calories with water.  The two groups, the water-drinkers and the sugary beverage drinkers, were then compared in terms of how much weight they lost over a period of a year.

The water and weight loss study found that the dieting women who replaced all of their sweetened drinks with water lost five pounds more in a year then women who continued to drink the sugary drinks.  Women who drank more than four cups of water a day lost an additional 2 pounds more than women who did not increase their water intake at all.

It doesn’t matter if you drink bottled water, bubbly water or tap water. The idea is to displace those sugary beverages with as much water as you possibly can in a day. Not only does this limit calories it is also healthy for you in other ways.

Not only does being properly hydrated help your muscles and metabolism work at their best, but drinking a large volume of water also helps prevent you from snacking because you feel full. It is recommended that you drink at least eight cups of water a day to optimize your weight loss.

To remain in the best of health, especially while you are losing weight, it is important for your body to remain properly hydrated. This is because two thirds of our total body weight is made up of water.  Our brains are 95% water, which is why we feel so lousy when we have a hangover. Our muscles are 75% water which is why they ache so badly when we are dehydrated.


Lycopene Keeps You Beautiful

Red is the color of romance and it is also the color that is most associated with Lycopene. Lycopene is one of the most powerful of the antioxidants and it is found in red tomatoes and products made from red tomatoes. One of the many benefits of lycopene is that it can help you look younger and sexier while at the same time fending off disease.

Why is such a chemical sounding term as lycopene associated with romance? It is because this particular antioxidant is associated primarily with the health of the heart and also the health of the prostrate gland. As it is a free radical fighter extraordinaire it can also help prevent all serious diseases and prevent your body from degrading in general.

Lycopene is also one of the more famous of the anti-aging substances and may help you look younger and more beautiful to lovers old and new.  This is because lycopene is deposited everywhere in the body once you consume it.


This anti-aging antioxidant is found in the lungs, colon, liver, prostrate gland and skin. It is also one of the few arytenoids that tend to be retained in the body tissues for a long time and it also tends to be in higher concentrations in the body tissue than other arytenoids.


Appreciating leucopenia means appreciation the tomato. This is why you should get your Italian cookbooks out and starts making such meals as lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs and brochette.  Even adding a little more ketchup than usual to your French fries can also help boost your leucopenia intake.  You can also get leucopenia simply by drinking a glass of tomato juice. Perhaps one of the freshest and most bio-available sources is from juice you press yourself.

However eating tomatoes that are processed, cooked or even from a can is actually recommended. Studies have shown that the body absorbs the leucopene in the tomatoes more efficiently if it is processed into paste, juice or ketchup.

However although tomatoes are one of the most abundant sources of this powerful antioxidant they are not the only game in town when it comes to sourcing the antioxidant from fresh fruits and vegetables. Guavas, rosehips, watermelon and pink grapefruit also contain lycopene.

Do remember Sophia Loren saying, “Everything you see here I owe to spaghetti.” Sophia Loren, one of the most beautiful actresses in the world may not have known it but the secret fountain of youth that keeps her looking magnificent for her age was probably the lycopene in tomato based spaghetti sauce.  Now we have the research and studies to prove that there was something to Loren’s famous claim that one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet, tomatoes, was responsible for her glamorous good looks.


Fat Burning Snacks With “Mouth Feel”

Sometimes you are hungry and you just need a quick fix!  However the celery is just not doing it. You want something that feels like dessert or that is sharp, salty and has that “mouth feel” that junk food does.

One of the challenges to losing weight is trying to stay away from those unhealthy foods that have that mouth feel that you crave as well as the calories that you feel you need to sustain you through a long afternoon or evening of working hard.

You should make it your personal weight loss and bodybuilding mission to consume foods that are healthy including the zero calorie foods.  Zero calorie foods are considered to be ALL fruits and vegetables with the exception of the avocado, which is loaded with calories and fats.

However the avocado does contain very good fats that help keep your skin beautiful, flush other oils and fats from your system and also keep your mood cheerful.  So if you really are craving something lush, moist and that has a fatty taste a slice of avocado perhaps accompanied by some raw fish roe and on a whole wheat cracker is not a bad choice at all. You are feeding your body and your brain at the same time by eating an avocado and it does have that mouth feel.

An oatmeal cookie is not a bad snack to have at all because oatmeal is lower in calories and high in fibber. Oatmeal is also a great source of B vitamins and it can help lower cholesterol levels and clean fat out of your arteries.  A cookie like this can really take care of the cravings you are having for sweets.

For the ultimate antioxidant and disease fighting treat have a handful of berries. Any type of berry will do. They are fresh, full of vitamins and fibber and have zero calories. They also help to move food through the intestine and also can heal the intestines because they are full of compounds that fight bacteria and parasites. Fat free whipped cream can help round out the taste of this treat.

If you are working out a lot and your muscles are sore then you certainly should try eating more pineapple as a snack. Fresh pineapple is best and dried pineapple is second best. Stay away from pineapple that has been soaked in calorie laden sugar syrup as these are not healthy calories.  Pineapple contains brome lain which is an anti-inflammatory. Once again you can use fat free whipped cream to give this food a comforting twist.

Craving French Fries? You can get by substituting deep fried yams or sweet potatoes instead. For best results you should have them baked. Both deep fried and baked sweet potatoes and yams are now widely available in most restaurants. The reason the yam is so much healthier for you is that they are full of good fibre, which can help sweep your intestines clean of debris.  Eating yams can also help fight the food cravings that can be caused by hormonal shifts in women.

As you can see there are healthier snacks to be had and in fact snacking is recommended instead of food deprivation as that can cause you to binge on calories later in the day and sabotage your good intentions to stick to a solid fat burning work out and eating regimen once and for all.

Feng Shui Tips for Autumn

An essential part of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of object placement for bringing good luck, is the constant process of decluttering decorating the home. However a very important thing to remember is that a lot of Feng Shui is quite practical.  It is about making your home cozy for the winter.


Here are some practical Feng Shui Tips for the Fall season.


First of all make sure you declutter the place entirely. Get rid of anything to do with summer living. This shows you are willing to live in sync with nature.\


The next thing you should do is to pack away summer clothes. Make sure that your front closet is stored with the things that you need to have around in order to be ready for winter.  Bring out shoes and boots and organize them so that they do not obstruct the door. This is bad Feng Shui and causes negative energy to accumulate.  Yet another thing to avoid is an umbrella stand by the door.  This is considered to be very bad luck.


This is a good time of the year to hang some curtains or swags. Red or orange curtains are best.. Red represents the Chinese Feng Shui element of fire. Red and its fire element symbolize excitement, luck, energy, and passion.  Aside from adding a new decorative touches to your home, curtains will also insulate your home in the window area (where most heat escapes). Use decorative tiebacks to drape a bolt of heavy fabric like corduroy, velvet or canvas across the top of your windows. This keeps out the cold. If you use gold or silver tiebacks this can represent money coming into the house.  Attaching pulls in the shape of acorns can also symbolize abundance.


Choose greens and yellows to decorate the rest of your home.  These make up for a lack of sun and greenery in your life during the coming winter. Specific qualities of green as it relates to Feng Shui are balance, serenity, spiritual and emotional growth, and good health. Use green as one of your Feng Shui colors wherever you wish to promote healing, serenity, motivation, and inspiration,


It is also a time to place space heaters and stoves. If you are buying a new hearth of some kind keep in mind that the best place for it is the Southern sector as it is represented by the color red.  Fan based heaters do well in the Southeast prosperity corner of your home. This is symbolic of love and the warmth of the human heart.