Have you ever been in a situation where you just don’t like how those pants fit on you, maybe you wish you can work out your butt more often, perhaps go through a butt lift surgery or no matter how many hours you spend at the gym and how much money you spend on pants, it’s just not shaping up your butt the way you would like it to look. Bubbles have the best solution for YOU! This padded underwear will give you the nicer shape and butt lifter you were searching for. Accomplish the slender, trim, and sexy look you want quickly.
Stop wasting your time and money when you have the solution in your hands, bubbles had designed many ways to lift your butt and make you look slimmer than ever, if you are planning or wearing short, skirts or just about anything. The perfect choice for you is the Bubble Buns Boyshort panty pad/set this is perfect for weight loss champions who lost their booty when they lost their weight or someone who has a flat booty. Bring on those sexy buns, define curves and feel confidence when you put on those sexy clothes.