Why a Makeover Helps You Get a Date

If you are single getting a makeover goes a long way towards improving your prospects and also increasing your self-esteem. It really helps makes your ex jealous too if you are just recently broken up.


If you have no ide wear to start buy current fashion magazines and get a feel for what is in style lately.  Good publications to check out are Cosmo, Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue and Lucky.


Changing your hairstyle can also give you drastic but positive results. Try parting your hair differently or wearing it shorter or longer.


Getting contact lenses or eye surgery can also help you look better than ever before.  Teeth whitening also improve your appearance and for some women, the procedure has the effect of making them look much younger. Dentists can perform teeth whitening in less than an hour using a laser. You can also buy very effective tooth whitening kits in drug stores.


Getting your skin problems fixed is also quite easy and usually you can see some kind of improvement within thirty days after using peels and laser treatments. Many of the new BB (beauty balm) products on the market can assist with complexion issues.


In general it appears that most men like hair that smells nice, is soft and silk and glistens in the light. Hair has to be “touchable” in order for it to be erotic. Unless they are really kinky, men don’t tend to be attracted to masculine hairstyles such as the close shaven haircut or short blunt cuts.


Dental work in general can always help improve your appearance especially if it is affecting the way you smile. It won’t be as painful as you think but usually there is an expense. However as it is your smile that is used to attract others it is worth it to get your pearly whites in the best shape that you can immediately afford.


Don’t think that men don’t judge a woman’s appearance.  They like their women to look like they are in style; like they just stepped out of a fashion catalogue. Males are just as much influenced by what the media says is attractive as we are and the more you look like the girl on the magazine cover, the more of a prize you are to them.


At the same time it also helps here not to look too trendy as this can convey the impression that you are a bit flaky. As long as you feel good about what you are wearing you are in good shape.