Weight Loss Smoothies

If you want to lose weight fast then replace a daily meal with a healthy weight loss smoothie. One of the most effective is as watermelon smoothie. That is because watermelon is almost zero in calories  and the juice is also a diuretic.  Watermelon juice helps flush fat and toxins out of your body. Watermelon juice is also very healthy for the kidney and livers.


To make a watermelon smoothie you just need watermelon chunks, yogurt or milk and some ice.  Lemon sherbet and low0fat vanilla yogurt work well. Simply blend it all together until it is all smooth.


A Kiwi and Honeydew Smoothie can also do a lot to facilitate weight loss. You add two cups of green honey dew melon, a chopped granny smith apple, a kiwi fruit, lime juice or lemon juice, two tablespoons stevia or sugar and a cup of ice cubes. Blend it until smooth.  For a taste that is a little sharper, add a bit of mint.   This is a slushy drink that is nice to consume on a hotter day.


Another delicious weight loss drink that is high in Vitamin C is the lemon-orange citrus smoothie. This is a tangy and sweet concoction made from one-cup skim or soymilk, six ounces of lemon yogurt, one medium size orange, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, and six ice cubes. Put it all in the blender and mix for about one minute.


A pineapple smoothie can also aid in weight loss. Pineapple is an amazing digestive that helps break down proteins and meat.   You make it with one cup milk, four ounces of canned pineapple juice (quite convenient), a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and six ice cubes.  Mint make a nice garnish for this smoothie.


A very filling and ultra nutritious smoothie is Avocado-Raspberry. This is a very refreshing mix of orange juice, raspberry juice a whole avocado, fresh raspberries and a garnish of mint. It is very creamy, yet tart drink.


If you like tofu you will enjoy a banana cocoa soy smoothie made with a banana, silken tofu, soymilk unsweetened cocoa powder and teaspoon of honey. Blend it all together until it is smooth.


If you are on a diet and feeling tired then try the Spinach, Raspberry Flaxseed oil shake made from one banana, raspberries, orange juice carrots spinach flaxseed powder and dried oatmeal.  Blend with ice cubes and serve. This is a true meal replacement shake.